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Custom Earbud Holder 1 - (78x55x24 mm) - PLA - black-orange

15.06 € (11.86 € + VAT)

Custom Earbud Holder 1 - (78x55x24 mm) - PLA - black-orange

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Model: custom-earbud-holder-20190728
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15.06 € (11.86 € + VAT)


Custom Earbud Holder 1 - (78x55x24 mm) - PLA - black-orange

Name Value More information
Dimension 78 x 55 x 24 mm ---
Text none ---
Material PLA (plastic) 3D printing materials
Technology of production FDM - 3D printing (additive manufacturing) 3D printing technologies
Production, delivery deadlines 7-10 workdays Shipping information


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